_  _ ____ ___ _  _    ___  ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _  _    _  _ _  _ _  _ ___ ____ ____
|\/| |__|  |  |__|    |__] |__|  |   |  |___ |__/ |\ |    |__| |  | |\ |  |  |___ |__/
|  | |  |  |  |  |    |    |  |  |   |  |___ |  \ | \|    |  | |__| | \|  |  |___ |  \

The latest release of the code can be downloaded below. The installation instructions can be found below (link), or alternately in the README (also included with the source). There are additional programs that can be found and downloaded from the Utils section of the site.

[Download patternhunter-0.5 .tar.gz from sourceforge]

Installation Instructions:
  • $ tar xvzf /path/to/patternhunter-0.5 .tar.gz
  • $ cd patternhunter-0.5
  • $ make
  • $ su
  • # make install