_  _ ____ ___ _  _    ___  ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _  _    _  _ _  _ _  _ ___ ____ ____
|\/| |__|  |  |__|    |__] |__|  |   |  |___ |__/ |\ |    |__| |  | |\ |  |  |___ |__/
|  | |  |  |  |  |    |    |  |  |   |  |___ |  \ | \|    |  | |__| | \|  |  |___ |  \

This page has a list of utility programs that are useful when working with Math Pattern Hunter. If any user has any useful utilities that they would like to post send me an e-mail (maxieds(AT)gmail(DOT)com). I can give full credit for the utilities.

Download the OEIS Database:

This utility can be used to download the full OEIS database. The database is available on the OEIS site in 124 files. Note that the script requires wget . Also, note that the full database takes up about 115M of space. To run the script use the following:

$ cd /path/to/db_directory
$ chmod +x download_oeis_db.sh
$ ./download_oeis_db.sh

[Download patternhunter-utils-0.1 .tar.gz from Sourceforge]

Search and Format the OEIS Database:

This utility can be used to search the full OEIS database and format matching sequences for use with Math Pattern Hunter. The code can be compiled as usual with g++. The full list of options can be found by running the program with the "--help" option. Note that the database must first be downloaded before using this utility (see download_oeis_db.sh above).

[Download patternhunter-utils-0.1 .tar.gz from Sourceforge]